Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Beginning

My name is Josh Wiegand, and there are several things that I love in life. My family, my girlfriend, my friends, and of course, music. Especially guitars. I love trying to make a guitar sound as good as possible. Not only with what kind of guitar you play, but also with pedals, or anything else that would alter the sound of the guitar. It has become a hobby and a passion of mine. I want to create this blog to share any new things that I learn about pedalboards/guitars, to share what I already know, and to see what everyone else has to say about guitars and pedalboards. I would love if I learned a lot of new stuff about guitar tone and that I could teach you something about guitar tone as well. So here is a picture of me and the person that matters the most in my life, and without further ado, Josh's Guitar Blog. Hope you guys enjoy and will follow.

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