Wednesday, June 8, 2011

JHS Little Black Buffer

If you don't know what this little pedal is yet, it will make a huge difference in your guitar tone. With a lot of pedals in your chain your sound gets weaker and weaker, even if your pedals are true bypass. Also the true brightness of the guitar goes away. This pedal will take your guitar through all of the other pedals and make it sound like your plugging your guitar straight into an amp. It does this by speeding up your guitar signal and making your guitar signal stronger. I use one on my board and I highly recommend using one. It's $95.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pedalboards I Model Mine After

Nigel Hendroff's Gear (Hillsong)

Main Pedalboard:

Timon Klein Industries Custom True Bypass Looper

Boss TU-2 Tuner

Ernie Ball Volume

Fulltone Clyde Wah

Robert Keeley Compressor

Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive

Maxon OD-820 Overdrive

Jekyll & Hyde Overdrive/Distortion

Timmy Drive

Line 6 MM-4 Modulation

Fulltone Choral Flange

Boss DM-2 Analog Delay

Boss DD-5 Digital Delay

TC Electronic Nova Delay

Diago Power Supply

Cusom Made Junction Box

All wired with George L’s .155 & .225 cable and plugs.

Jeffrey Kunde's Gear (Jesus Culture)

in order of pedal chain

JHS Little Black Buffer

Timon Klein Looper (8 Channel)

Keeley Compressor (2 knob)

Zvex Fuzz Factory

Little Green Wonder by Mad Professor

Keeley Moded Rat

Keeley overdrive

Cusack Tap-a-Whirl

Micro Pog by Electroharmonix

Ernie Ball Jr Volume Pedal

Eventide Time Factor

Memory Man by Electroharmonix

Boss Rv-5 Reverb

RC Booster by Exotic Effects

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Gear

Well I thought the first thing that I would do is share what the gear is that I'm using right now. If you have any questions about what the pedals do, or who makes them, just comment and I will try to answer.

My chain in the order that the pedals are ran is JHS Little Black Buffer, Boss CS-3 Compression/Sustainer, into a bypass looper made by Timon Klein Industries and the pedals controlled by the looper are, Custom Franklin Pro Drive, JHS Modded Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive, Boss DD-5 w/FS-5U tap tempo, Line 6 DL4, and a MXR MC-401 Custom Audio Electronics Boost Pedal, all of that goes out into a Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor, and then into an Ernie Ball VP Junior. I use Lava Cables as far as from my guitar to the board and the board to the amp, with all George L patch cables. I also use a Voodoo Lab Iso 5 and a Voodoo Lab Plus 2 to power all of my pedals. The guitar that I use is a Gretsch G5122 and the amp that I use is a Vox AC15C1.

The Beginning

My name is Josh Wiegand, and there are several things that I love in life. My family, my girlfriend, my friends, and of course, music. Especially guitars. I love trying to make a guitar sound as good as possible. Not only with what kind of guitar you play, but also with pedals, or anything else that would alter the sound of the guitar. It has become a hobby and a passion of mine. I want to create this blog to share any new things that I learn about pedalboards/guitars, to share what I already know, and to see what everyone else has to say about guitars and pedalboards. I would love if I learned a lot of new stuff about guitar tone and that I could teach you something about guitar tone as well. So here is a picture of me and the person that matters the most in my life, and without further ado, Josh's Guitar Blog. Hope you guys enjoy and will follow.